Simons Foundation, Flatiron Institute
Program ID:
Program Title:
Flatiron Research Software Fellow, Center for Computational Quantum Physics
Program Type:
Fellowship or award
Program Location:
New York, New York 10010, United States of America
Subject Area:
Appl Deadline:
none (posted 2024/09/18)
Program Description:
Program Description

Flatiron Research Software Fellow, Center for Computational Quantum Physics
Directed by Antoine Georges and co-directed by Andrew Millis, the Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ) is a leading international center for the study of equilibrium and non-equilibrium many-body quantum systems, with applications to condensed matter physics, materials science, chemistry and related fields. The development of the concepts, algorithms, and code libraries needed to advance the field is fundamental to the work of the center. Research projects currently pursued at CCQ cover a broad range of methods and interest, see:
CCQ currently comprises more than 45 research and data scientists at career stages from recent Ph.D.s through senior scientists, as well as support staff, visiting scientists, and affiliated graduate students and interns. The institute has vigorous visitor and workshop programs and strong interactions with scientists from neighboring institutions.
CCQ has established formal partnerships with the New York City-Max Planck Center for Non-Equilibrium Quantum Phenomena,the CIFAR Quantum Materials program, the QUAST collaboration, the CEA-France, and the Collège de France and collaborates extensively with scientists at a range of institutions in the US and internationally. Candidates interested in collaborative work or joint positions are encouraged to discuss possibilities with CCQ staff.
A core effort at CCQ is the development of software libraries for advancing scientific research at CCQ and the wider scientific community. Major software efforts at CCQ include the TRIQS library for quantum embedding, the AFQMC library for auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo, the ITensor library for tensor network algorithms and the AIMBES library for many-body electronic structure methods including GW. CCQ is devoted to providing well supported and easily accessible open-source software with the latest algorithms and tools for developing the next generation of algorithms.
The Flatiron Research Fellow-Software position is at a postdoctoral level and specializes in software development relevant to the field of physics. Fellows primarily develop and expand one of the major code efforts at Flatiron, devise and implement new or improved algorithms, and advance fundamental research through the perspective of software design and optimization. Applicants typically have backgrounds in one or more of the following areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, computational physics, materials science, theoretical or computational chemistry, applied mathematics, and computer science. This is a highly collaborative position in which fellows are expected to disseminate their results through a combination of open-source software development, participation in conferences, workshops and seminars, some publications, and through mentorship of undergraduate and graduate students as appropriate. CCQ also anticipates making several Flatiron Research Fellow appointments; these positions are for scientists who work on developing and applying new concepts, algorithms, and codes needed to understand the many-particle quantum problem, and on the physical and chemical properties of systems requiring this new understanding.
The initial appointment is generally for two years, with the possibility of renewal for a third year, contingent on performance. Flatiron Software Fellows may be eligible for subsidized housing within walking distance of the CCQ. The anticipated start date is between end of August 2025 through early November 2025.
Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
▪ Developing, implementing, maintaining and supporting scientific software, with a focus on contributing to one or more of the existing software efforts at CCQ
▪ Performing theoretical and computational research
▪ Assisting in the organization of CCQ and Flatiron-wide collaborative activities including seminars, workshops and meetings
▪ Actively participating in the preparation of manuscripts for publication and of presentations at conferences
▪ Assisting in student mentorship
▪ Sharing expertise and providing training and guidance to CCQ staff and visitors as needed.
This position will be based, and have a principal office or workspace, at the foundation's offices in New York City.
• Ph.D. in relevant field
Related Skills & Other Requirements
• Demonstrated expertise in software and algorithm development, computational methods, data analysis, modeling, machine learning, high-performance and parallel computing, or scientific simulation;
• Demonstrated experience with modern programming languages such as C , Python or Julia
• Ability to participate in research projects in condensed matter physics, chemistry, applied mathematics, computer science, or a related field;
• Effective oral and written communication skills;
• Ability to work well independently as well as in a collaborative team environment.
Application Instructions
• Curriculum vitae with publication list
• Statement of not more than four pages describing software development experience, software development skills, and algorithm development. Applicants should discuss how these activities connect with and support scientific research topics. The statement may also discuss joint projects with other research institutions.
• Three (3) letters of recommendation
Applications for available positions that begin in 2025 will be reviewed beginning in Fall 2024 and considered on a rolling basis until the positions are filled. For full consideration, application by October 1, 2024 is recommended.
To apply, visit:
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