Chiba University, International Center for Hadron Astrophysics
Program ID:
Program Title:
PhDPosition in Experimental Astroparticle Physics
Program Type:
Student programs
Program Location:
Chiba, Chiba 263-8522, Japan
Subject Areas:
Physics / Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics (astro-ph), Experimental Astroparticle Physics, Experimental High Energy Physics, HEP-Experiment (hep-ex), Neutrino Astronomy, Neutrino physics
Astrophysics / High Energy Astrophysics, Neutrino Astronomy
Astrophysics / High Energy Astrophysics, Neutrino Astronomy
Appl Deadline:
finished (2024/03/10, finished 2024/09/13, listed until 2024/06/12)
Program Description:
*** this program has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***
Program Description
The International Center for Hadron Astrophysics (ICEHAP) at Chiba University invites applicants for a three-year PhD position in astroparticle physics/neutrino astronomy. The successful candidate will join the group of Neutrino Astronomy in ICEHAP, one of the leading groups in the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. ICEHAP at Chiba University is one of the major research groups on high-energy neutrino astronomy. Achievements led by ICEHAP include the first discovery of the PeV-energy neutrinos, world-leading cosmic neutrino searches in the ultra-high energy region, the discovery of the anti-electron-neutrino-induced Glashow resonance, as well as the first identification of an astronomical source emitting ultrahigh-energy neutrinos with IceCube 170922A. Information about IceCube's history and scientific results can be found at ICEHAP also plays several core roles in developing and producing optical detectors for the ongoing IceCube Upgrade and is currently deeply involved with the design of the detector for IceCube-Gen2. Further details can be found at The research project for this position can be selected from a wide range of topics in the field of beyond Standard Model physics, particle physics, and neutrino property measurements with IceCube, depending on the applicant's interest. Research work might comprise laboratory experiments, detector development, and data analysis. ICEHAP also offers regular seminars and the diverse environment, collaborating with particle physicists and astronomers in Chiba University and other major institutes to stimulate interactions among researchers with various science backgrounds. The salary is 200,000 yen/month with full coverage of the social securities, which is competitive to the other scholarships offered by the major funding agencies in Japan. No Japanese communication skills are required, but the candidate should have reasonable oral and written English skills. Applicants must hold a Master of Science or equivalent in physics or a closely related field. The review of applications will begin May 27th, 2024. However, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The expected starting date is October 1st, 2024. ICEHAP is committed to promoting cross-disciplinary research of neutrino astronomy and relevant fields in a multi-cultural environment. About half of the researchers in the Division of Neutrino Astronomy are non-Japanese citizens.Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- transcripts of Bachelor’s and Master’s courses with grades
- one page summary of the Master thesis
- brief description of research interest and past achievements
- Two reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
And anything else requested in the program description.
Further Info:
International Center for Hadron Astrophysics,
Graduate School of Science, Chiba University,
1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba City,
Chiba 263-8522, Japan
Graduate School of Science, Chiba University,
1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba City,
Chiba 263-8522, Japan