Biruni Award

Award ID:
Biruni Award-BIRUNIAWARD [#23292]
Award Title: 
Graduate Student "Biruni" Award
Award Type:
Student programs
Austin, Texas 78712, United States of America
Subject Area: 
Physics / Physics
Appl Deadline:
2024/02/05 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2023/10/26, finished 2024/08/10)

*** this award has been closed. ***
* this map is a best-effort approximation. Open in Google Maps directly.


To promote and recognize outstanding research by a physics graduate student of Iranian heritage who is currently studying in one of the institutions of higher education in USA,
"Biruni Award Organization" is announcing the 13th "Biruni" Graduate Student Research Award (GSRA) at the American Physical Society (APS) March 2024 in Minneapolis . 
Award includes a cash prize. 

Physics graduate students of Iranian heritage in USA in her/his final years of graduate school (MS or PhD) who is studying at any US institute of higher education/national 
laboratory/industry are encouraged to apply for this award. Recent graduates (Spring, Summer, December 2023 or later) could apply. If you had graduated December 2022 or before that 
you DO NOT qualify to apply. 
The students do not need to be an APS member to qualify. We strongly encourage students in final years of their study to apply to have enough materials and publications.
All the students required to send their CV to us for PRE-APPROVAL to apply for this award ahead of time. 
This is a competitive award, please review previous Biruni's awardees and extra details on Biruni website:

Nomination and Application Materials:
Each applicant has to be nominated by her/his MS/PhD adviser or head of the department. A letter of nomination should be accompanied with details of the importance and impact of
the applicant's research. All the application materials shall be submitted by Monday February 5 2024 to the Biruni Award coordinator to be considered for
2024 award. Applicants are encouraged to send all relevant materials in PDF format via email (except there is a submission link on Biruni website).
The letter of recommendation has to be emailed directly to the award coordinator. 

Please send your CV to the Biruni Award coordinator before preparing your materials. You need pre-approval for this application.  

1-A letter of nomination by MS/PhD adviser or head of the department detailed over the applicant's research. This letter can be collected by applicant or send directly to award coordinator. 
2-CV (not more than 2 pages) including the peer reviewed publications list (published or submitted).
3-A letter of recommendation from a faculty/researcher who is familiar with the applicant's work or who has been collaborated with the applicant on her/his research
(not the MS/PhD adviser). This letter has to be sent directly to the Biruni award coordinator (via email).
4-PDF copies of the 2 published/submitted papers to peer-reviewed journals, or the pre-prints of the articles under preparation (2 papers maximum).
*Late submission of the documents will not be acceptable (no exception).
*The documents requested are restricted to the maximum limit described. Additional recommendation letters or publications will not be considered.

We suggest that after pre-approval, the applicants send their materials as soon as possible and don't wait till the deadline to allow the reviewing committee plenty of time.

We are not accepting applications for this program through AcademicProgramsOnline.Org right now. Please see the program description above on how to apply.
Contact: Farbod Shafiei
Email: email address
Postal Mail:
Farbod Shafiei
Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin TX 78712
Web Page: