University of Bologna and INFN, Physics
The joint Theory Group of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DIFA) of the University of Bologna and the Bologna INFN Section foresees to open postdoctoral position(s) in Theoretical Physics starting in Fall 2023. The research interests of the group include particle physics theory and phenomenology at present and future colliders, effective theories, renormalization group techniques, astroparticle physics, classical and quantum gravity, theoretical cosmology, string phenomenology, quantum, statistical and conformal field theories, gauge theories, integrability, theoretical nuclear physics and quantum information theory. More information on the activities and members of the Bologna Theory Group can be found at: INFN: DIFA: Applications should include a CV, list of publications, research statement, a short motivation letter, and at least two letters of recommendation, submitted via Academic Jobs Online at For full consideration, applications should be submitted by December 15th, 2022.To send an eDelivery package to us please click send, and please contact for any inquiries. Please create an applicant account first if you don't have one already.