Harvey Mudd College, Chemistry
Harvey Mudd College is a small, highly selective, privately supported institution with about 911 students and 97 faculty. The college has major programs in chemistry, engineering, mathematics, physics, computer science, and biology. The college is one of five undergraduate schools in Claremont that, together with the Claremont Graduate University and Keck Graduate Institute, comprise the Claremont Colleges. HMC draws its students from the top two percent of the national pool of entering freshmen based on secondary school achievement. The college is ranked as one of the most selective colleges in the nation on the basis of the median College Entrance Examination Board scores of entering students and has recently been ranked second in the nation on the basis of the percentage of entering students that are National Merit Scholars. The Harvey Mudd College curriculum emphasizes breadth in science and engineering with a commitment to studies in the humanities and social sciences. The college has been a national leader in producing students who go on to obtain Ph.D.'s in chemistry, physics, and mathematics.......currently no programs posted, please contact for any inquiries......
The Department of Chemistry has eight FTE faculty and graduates roughly 15 +/- 5 majors per year. The department is well-equipped to conduct research with undergraduates. Instrumentation includes a 400 MHz NMR, GC-MS, SEM, AFM, UV-VIS, FTIR, fluorescence, AA, CD, HPLC, ion chromatograph, DSC, polarimeter, electrochemical, inert atmosphere, and microwave synthesis instrumentation, a computational cluster, a wide range of biochemical resources, and a laser laboratory.