Program Listings
All, AMO (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical)(2), Computational Physics(2), cond-mat-ex(3), cond-mat-th(3), Condensed Matter Physics, Electronic Structure, Strongly Correlated Materials(10), Condensed Matter Theory(13), condensed matter theory; ultracold quantum gases(1), Electronic Structure(2), Experiment(2), Heat Transport(2), Magnetoelectronic(1), Majorana modes(2), Non-abelian anyons(3), non-Hermitian systems(1), novel devices for electronic or optoelectronic applications(1), Quantum Information(2), Strongly Correlated Electrons(2), Strongly Correlated Materials(5), Superconductivity(2), Superfluidity and superconductivity(3), Theoretical Condensed Matter(5), Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics(1) ...more...