Johns Hopkins University, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Program ID:
JHU-ECE-REU2024 [#26786]
Program Title: 
Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computational Sensing and Robotics 2024
Program Type:
Student programs
Program Location:
Baltimore, Maryland 21218, United States of America
Subject Areas: 
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science / All areas
Biomedical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Starting Date:
Appl Deadline:
2024/02/18 11:59PMhelp popup finished (2023/12/07, finished 2024/08/24)
Program Description:

*** this program has been closed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

Program Description

The Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Computational Sensing and Medical Robotics (CSMR) is for students from institutions nationwide from a wide range of engineering disciplines including mechanical, computer science, biomedical and electrical engineering. Students must be U.S. citizens or green card holders in order to apply. These students will contribute to specific research projects pursued by faculty and researchers at the Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics (LCSR). Each student will be a part of a collaborative research team, including a faculty project supervisor and a graduate student mentor, and will work on a challenging research project. The projects will be designed to match each student’s interest and to maximize the potential for contributing during the session. Participating students may receive instruction on technical communication, oral presentation skills, and research ethics to aid in the completion of the required final research report and presentation. Additional activities will include tours and trips to other labs. Please note that this program is ONLY for undergraduate students from 2-year and 4-year programs (and not for students currently pursuing Master's degrees or PhD degrees).

The CSMR REU program is an intensive, ten-week program of laboratory research and instruction, beginning May 29, 2024 and ending August 2, 2024. Project PIs include faculty from Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science.

The projects hosted by the Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics (LCSR) and the Computer Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology Engineering Research Center (CISST ERC) are funded by the National Science Foundation. The participants will have an opportunity to be part of a poster session and formal presentation of research at the end of the program. Candidates will need to be a U.S. Citizen or a U.S. Permanent Resident to be accepted into this program.

Stipend for 10 weeks- $6,500, plus university housing from May 28 - August 3. Program Dates- May 29, 2024 through August 2, 2024 Students on quarter systems are encouraged to apply. If selected, your PI will work out a schedule to make up the missed time.


Please review the list of projects available for the summer of 2024 at and click on 2024 REU Project List. You can select your top 3 projects.

Your online application should include the following:

1. Cover letter (Please include your name, grade level, and the name and project number of your top three project selections.)

2. Resume/ Curriculum Vitae

3. Research Statement (or description of your background/accomplishments). Please also explain why you want to participate in the program and why you are interested in the research projects that you picked. Your application will not be considered if you do not provide this information.

4. Copy of Transcript(s)from all colleges/universities attended. Unofficial transcripts are accepted.

5. Two recommendation letters submitted online (applicants should include the names and email addresses of two recommenders when filling out the application. Recommenders will receive an email from AcademicJobsOnline with instructions. This application is under Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Please note that recommenders set expiration dates on the letters that they submit on this system. Kindly make sure that they do not set an expiration date before June 2024.

Application Deadline

All documents need to be submitted by February 18, 2024. If applications are not complete by the due date, they WILL NOT be considered.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research statement
  • Transcript
  • Two reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the program description.

Further Info:
email address
Barton Hall
3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218